At Wonder Years of Northwest Austin, we take extra steps to ensure the entire family has great experiences. Your family can rest assured each day as you leave your child in our controlled access facility where digital communication allows you to feel connected through-out the day. Each room is carefully designed to provide your child with active learning areas loaded with materials that contribute to social interaction and great experiences. Our wonderful shady playground area is quality certified through the state of Texas and our EXCLUSIVE OUTDOOR STEAM area offers your child experiences only the outdoors can provide.
Wonder Years Infants

Primary Caregivers – You Have a BIG Responsibility, and We Can Help
Primary caregivers are the first and the most important teachers. That is why you have a big responsibility.Learn More
Infants – First Experiences Matter; They are PRECIOUS MOMENTS
We know from neuroscientists that our earliest moments—days, weeks, months—of life are a period of unparalleled brain development. It is a time when trillions of brain cell connections are made. Early experiences shape… Learn More
Toddlers – Physical Growth; My Overall Development
Infants grow at a rapid rate during their first two years. Physical and motor development affect their overall progress and readiness for school. Learn More
Preschoolers – I Am Self-Aware, I Can Self-Regulate, Now I Can Learn
Social and emotional development sets the foundation to build academic aptitude. Emotional literacy, the ability to recognize, understand, and appropriately express emotions is a crucial period of development necessary for school and life success. Learn More